Health and Safety


There are many dangers lurking in our everyday life. The best way to deal with them is to provide appropriate information and to create a safety culture, which starts with training and extends to raising awareness among employees.

We undertake numerous and diverse initiatives in order to raise our employees’ level of awareness about OH&S matters and to encourage the adoption of safe behaviours.

Initially, by investigating and analysing accidents, near misses and other incidents, we identify potential risks and the situations and behaviours that cause them.

In order to reduce or eliminate particular types of accidents and incidents, we then organize awareness-raising actions on specific topics.


Indicatively, actions are currently in progress for the following:

  • Prevention of slips - trips - falls
  • Driving Safety
  • Noise – hearing conservation
  • Tasks carried out at a height – prevention of falls from heights
  • Awareness about near miss reporting
  • Dust – respiratory protection
  • Essential Rules in cement plants
  • Occupational Safety Social Awards
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