
Co-processing in the cement industry consists in the simultaneous recovery of energy and materials through the use of alternative fuels in clinker production.

The energy value of alternative fuels allows them to substitute non-renewable natural resources used in the production process. They are by-products or waste of other industrial sectors, products of waste processing units and materials which cannot be recycled and which would otherwise end in landfills. They generally contain a high percentage of biomass, which brings about a significant reduction of CO₂ emissions.

With the use of this technology, the cement industry meets the challenge of climate change and responds to the need to protect the environment; at the same time, it ensures its competitiveness without in any way compromising the quality of its products.

In the course of the last five years, the substitution of non-renewable resources with alternative fuels has allowed us to achieve a reduction of over 190.000 tons of CO₂ and 250.000 tons of carbon equivalent, while also providing a cost-effective waste-management solution for our society in the safest and most widely tested method worldwide.

The European cement industry has been using alternative fuels for over 40 years and the technology it employs is regarded as safe and environmentally friendly, even by countries with a strong tradition in the protection of the environment and high quality standards.

The average in EU countries is 46.5% but Greece is among the lowest ranking European states, using less than 10% of the total thermal energy consumption (GCCA, Getting the Numbers Right (GNR) data, 2017).


Energy efficiency


Mixed (composite) cements

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