The 24 recycling corners –located in the businesses participating in the “Nothing to Waste” initiative– are now ready and the “sorting at source” pilot application of the circular economy and efficient waste management programme which aims at prevention, reuse and recycling is about to begin. “Nothing to Waste” was initiated by TITAN’s Efkarpia plant, while the non-profit environmental organization NoWaste21 is in charge of the programme’s scientific supervision and implementation.
The first phase of the programme was concluded with the identification of the special characteristics and distinct needs of the businesses and their employees and the placement of bins at the recycling corners for the separate collection of six streams of recyclable materials: (1) paper, (2) PET plastic bottles, (3) residual plastic-metal-composite packaging (PMD), (4) electrical appliances, (5) portable batteries, (6) cooking oil.
Moreover, training activities are in progress for the 500+ employees of participating businesses on waste prevention, circular economy as a new model of natural resource utilization, the benefits and importance of personal responsibility towards the environment, the preservation of natural resources for future generations, and the proper participation in the programme and in recycling activities.
Training the management of the businesses is considered particularly important, as both their stance and their encouragement to their employees are critical parameters for the success of the programme. The acceptance and active participation of all employees is crucial for achieving measurable results.
Receiving the equipment, businesses responded with very positive comments and expressed their commitment to efficiently participate in the programme, along with the other businesses involved. As Messrs. Vasilis and Louizos Kechagias of KSA Engineering said, “we are very happy to support this effort and we are doing whatever we can to ensure that all procedures are followed and that the best possible outcome is achieved. Both we and our employees wanted to embark on a recycling effort and we are delighted that –on TITAN’s initiative– we were given the opportunity and the required technical means to take action, in cooperation with other businesses from western Thessaloniki and with the help of experts”.
Speaking on behalf of POWERZ, Mr. Dimitris Zacharopoulos pointed out that “the environment is our home. It is imperative that we protect it through actions and this is why we have embraced and are actively participating in this initiative, learning to recycle efficiently so that materials are reused and nothing is wasted. The more we protect the environment, the more we ensure a better future for our children; this motto must become part of our culture”.
Mr. Christos Tsahiridis of MOUSSIKOS S.A. said that “there is an urgent need for recycling and this programme gives us the opportunity to recycle efficiently, every day. It is up to us as citizens to do the right thing and contribute to the adoption of new habits that will establish a new perspective when it comes to proper waste management”.
Mr. Konstantinos Stoupas of ALPHA STOCK Ltd. also spoke about the initiative, pointing out that “we are happy that we were given the opportunity to participate in this programme and contribute –in every way we can– to an action for the benefit of the environment”.
Through this innovative project, an improved system of waste prevention and management emerges, bringing substantial economic, environmental and social benefits for the local community. The 24 businesses and the 500+ households of their employees can deliver measurable results to enhance the recycling performance of municipalities and regions. The ultimate goal is to encourage other businesses and relevant bodies to participate in the “Nothing to Waste” initiative.
Dr. Efi Tritopoulou –chairperson of NoWaste21, who is also responsible for the scientific administration of the programme– said that “the cooperation among the 24 companies from western Thessaloniki is innovative, exemplary and of utmost importance for the adoption of new business practices that lead to a future without waste”.
As Mr. Kostas Nikolaou, manager of TITAN’s Efkarpia plant, pointed out, “we took the initiative for the “Nothing to Waste” programme because we believe that both businesses and employees should play an active part in promoting proper waste management and efficient recycling. The response from the businesses proves that we are both able and willing to take action in order to maximize the benefits for the local community and the environment”.
You can find more information on the programme and its contributors, the principles of circular economy and instructions on how to recycle effectively at the programme's website Nothing to Waste. TITAN’s Efkarpia plant has funded the entire programme’s first year of operation.