TITAN's story begins in 1902, with the operation of the first cement plant in Elefsina. Since then, TITAN has grown into an international, vertically integrated cement and building materials producer, combining an entrepreneurial spirit and operational excellence with respect for people, society and the environment.
For us in TITAN, evolution is a never-ending process. We keep developing products and services that meet our clients' needs, based on high quality, knowhow, reliability, responsibility and innovation.
We remain focused on the long-term sustainability of our business and build transparent relationships with our stakeholders that create shared value.
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Built on mutual trust, reliability, and shared values, our business is a place that enables people to develop, work together, create solutions and implement positive change.
Our products include grey and white cement, bulk and bagged, and INTERMIX dry mixed mortars, while our INTERBETON BUILDING MATERIALS S.A. subsidiary represents our vertically integrated activity in the manufacture, transportation and sale of ready-mix concrete and aggregates in Greece.
Alongside the products, our Technical Support and Transportation & Distribution Services meet the entire spectrum of clients' needs on the basis of our experience and knowhow. Every problem or question of our clients will be met with the most responsible and reliable solution.
Our clients' needs keep evolving. ΤΙΤΑΝ provides innovative solutions with high-performance cement products, combined with top-level service, technical expertise and distribution support.
TITAN’s commitment to Greece since 1902, manifested through projects of stability, growth and long-term vision.