BEST (Board of European Students of Technology) is an organization of university and college technology students throughout Europe with more than 3,300 members in 33 countries.
When our collaboration with BEST teams began in 2012, we identified a unique opportunity: to create and develop a series of Health & Safety seminars for students.
The need to undertake this initiative stemmed from the fact that students did not receive the required tutoring and know-how regarding H&S issues in the course of their studies, even though H&S is a top priority for industry. As a result, students lacked valuable skills and knowledge regarding practical aspects in their profession and especially regarding how these can be applied in the workplace.
We responded to this challenge with great pleasure and a sense of responsibility: we developed a comprehensive training course, drawing on the highest level of technical know-how we possess and implement in occupational safety. We are, in fact, the first Greek industry that has developed and has been providing an appropriate training programme. The programme involves the enthusiastic participation of 45 TITAN employees who have volunteered to act as instructors.
The programme was triggered by a request of the board of BEST at the School of Technology of the University of Patras and was subsequently expanded to involve the BEST teams of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and the National Technical University of Athens. It is particularly popular among students, as it gives them the opportunity to receive training on location –at the actual workplace– by specially trained staff and independent speakers.
The course runs for a total of 40 hours within one academic year and is divided in three phases. Each phase is completed in two days and training takes place at our plants in Drepano, Efkarpia and Kamari.
Students visit our plants in order to see the actual production process and the application of H&S principles at work, as well as the methods used for the protection of the environment.
In the course of the indispensable special workshops under the training programme, students are invited to assess risks and develop occupational safety plans based on specific scenarios. On completing the course, participants receive an attendance certificate and a training pack.
The figures are very impressive. After five academic years, the programme boasts a total of 1,077 students, over 30,000 man-hours of training and 45 instructors, all TITAN members.