New facilities for the Elefsina Fire Service, with our signature!
When the big 1999 earthquake destroyed the Elefsina Fire Service facilities, we promptly offered our help.
Specifically, we provided an adjacent plot we owned for the temporary accommodation of the Fire Station in prefabricated constructions.
In addition, we made an even more important commitment: to contribute to the construction of new facilities that would be worthy of the great social mission of the Fire Service.
This commitment was implemented without delay: after donating the land and carrying out all the necessary studies, we financed the construction of the new Fire Service facilities (1,350 square metres) which include an administrative office, an operations and meeting room, a depot, warehouses, etc.
The project was completed early in 2005 and was officially inaugurated on 30 May by the Secretary General of Public Order Leonidas Evangelidis, in the presence of many representatives of the local authorities.
At the end of the inauguration ceremony, the Chief of the Fire Brigade presented an honorary plaque to TITAN’s Chairman Andreas Canellopoulos and the Chief of the Elefsina Fire Service Athanasios Kotsias presented a commemorative fire axe to TITAN’s CEO Dimitris Papalexopoulos.