“I Play and Understand”
Children at play… interactively!
What do science, art, mathematics and philosophy have in common?
How can we express ourselves through art and, at the same time, comprehend the world through logic and mathematics?
The travelling Interactive Exhibition of Science, Art and Mathematics “I Play and Understand” of the Herakleidon Museum offered an exciting educational journey from sense to intellect to thousands of younger and older visitors.
The exhibition was hosted at the “Leonidas Canellopoulos” Cultural Centre within the scope of the annual exhibition institution we run in Elefsina in honour of TITAN’s long-serving Chairman.
The following year the same exhibition was taken to our plant in Nea Efkarpia (Thessaloniki), giving students and the general public the opportunity to experience the interrelationship of science, art, mathematics and philosophy through the interaction with special constructions.
At the venue of the exhibition, stalls with interactive constructions and audiovisual media introduced the visitor to the concept of symmetry in nature and in art and to the world of numbers and shapes.
The “journey” began with the pre-Socratic era and the transition from myth to reason, continued with the Pythagoreans and the Eleatic philosophers, Plato, Aristotle and the Hellenistic period, then moved to the Renaissance, and was concluded with the 20th century modern art, the contemporary science of chaos, dynamic systems and fractals.
For the creation of the entire exhibition, international experience in the field of interactive learning was sought and exploited.